Well, now we are well and truly up to date. I'm actually managing to write this on the very day!
Some more furniture arrived today! We now have dining room furniture, kitchen utensils and baking trays etc, bins, chairs - it's been like Christmas! My mate's friends arrived at about 8.30am, unloaded, had a quick coffee and shot off. We then spent the rest of the morning trying to make sense of the new mess!
We had considered carrying on painting, but we were both just too tired. Her daughters both came over for a while, and then they went, my mate went to see a friend leaving me all alone.
So, I am sitting in the dining room with my computer and my dongle, listening to Forth 1 (Edinburgh's radio station which I can't get in France!) and it's lovely and quiet. I am really enjoying a little time to myself.
I still haven't heard from sexy trucker, so I now think he's a write off. It's weird because he bothered to phone me last weekend, and the last text I got he still seemed really interested. I'm not quite sure what happened or why he stopped, but I suppose it's just one of those things. It was hardly a relationship, but maybe I thought we might actually meet up at some point but never mind. It's bugging me though!
Spring is on its way
*The weather here in London has been very wet for weeks and weeks on end
and, with the windchill factor, very cold, although temperatures have been
6 days ago
Hi Kat, are you staying in the UK permanently? VLiF
Certainly hoping too, just trying to figure out how long I can stay here in order to find a job. Will post more on that later!
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