Managed an extra hour in bed on Thursday! Both of us keep waking up really early – I think it’s because there are no shutters. It’s not so bad for me because I’m at the back of the house, but it’s really bad for my mate as she’s at the front with street lights shining into her window! We are so used to the complete darkness of the Gers, and the street lights are a problem! I still haven't heard from sexy trucker. I'm starting to think he just wanted a bit of a text flirtation which surprises me as he seemed to be a genuinely nice bloke. Maybe I'm just rubbish at working out what blokes want - I'm a bit out of practice. Still, I'm a bit disappointed.
She had to go out in the morning, so I printed out a lot of CV’s and covering letters, and went on a cold calling mail drop in Cheltenham. I got the bus into town – now I remember why I don’t like public transport!! There are weird people on buses! I want a car here! I went to a few recruitment companies and a few mobile phone shops – I’m thinking long term – I don’t mind retail, as long as there is the prospect of promotion within a company. I had a bit of a wander around, and went into a music store. I asked if they had any vacancies, and the manager told me that they were actually interviewing that evening, and would I like to come along later? Obviously I said yes! I think it went ok – we’ll see. I should know either way by Wednesday.
I met up with my mate’s elder daughter in town and we sat outside and had a drink at a bar in Cheltenham. My mate turned up about an hour later. A water main had burst just up the road, and there was a river running down the pavement in front of the bar! Someone had made a little boat with a mast out of a cigarette packet, and we were all watching it go down the river!We went out in the evening to a pub. I have been in some interesting pubs in my time – Edinburgh and Dumfries are chock full of dives – and this one was well up to dive standard! We had a laugh anyway!
Fell asleep on the sofa again in the evening – we haven’t stopped for a minute since we got into the country and I’m knackered!
Spring is on its way
*The weather here in London has been very wet for weeks and weeks on end
and, with the windchill factor, very cold, although temperatures have been
6 days ago
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