For Christmas I got a nice, new 500gb hard drive. Which is great, as I have been a bit concerned as to what would happen to all my photographs if the hard drive I already had went kaput. I have my actual photographic library backed up in 3 locations, but I would have been upset to lose all the happy snappies as well, because they are what chronicle Isla’s life, not the portraits or architectural shots.
So, now I have all of these backed up too, and I feel much happier about them. I have also backed up my extensive music library which includes not only my music, but my mum’s and my dad’s too, as I’m the one that puts music and books on everyone’s’ iPods! My dad’s music is pretty bad – he likes really old jazz and things like that – I mean, who ever heard of Kid Creole and his Red Hot Peppers? I’ve heard of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, but never Kid Creole! Weird stuff! If he had them on CD, I’m sure his iPod would be full of the Brighouse and Rastrick Brass Band! It seems to me, that is just defiling a fab piece of kit like an iPod!So yes, back to the hard drive. The coolest thing about it is that it is also a multi media hard drive, which means that I can just plug it into the TV and watch movies on it! It is great for someone like me, who moves house a lot in the course of my dog sitting. Now, rather than lugging about great big bags of DVD’s, I just put this little black box into a bag. It has all I need on it! I have been spending loads of time transferring DVD’s into .avi format to keep on the hard drive – it’s a bit of a marathon doing MASH considering there are 11 series of generally 24 episodes! I’m putting all my favourite films and series on there and it’s just great!
I’ve been spending quite a lot of time doing that, in the absence of actually having a job at the moment! It’s cheap, I don’t have to leave home and use fuel, and I can’t even have a cigarette while I’m doing it as my throat still hurts. This is probably a good thing as I always smoke too much when I’m doing computer stuff! So there’s one upside to the sore throat!
As I said to someone on their blog today – every cloud has a silver lining. You may not believe it, but there is always some good to come out of every situation, no matter how bad it seems at the time!
Spring is on its way
*The weather here in London has been very wet for weeks and weeks on end
and, with the windchill factor, very cold, although temperatures have been
6 days ago
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