You may have noticed that my blog layout has changed slightly! I am now a three column blogger, and feel really proud of myself for having done it, because I’m really pretty illiterate when it comes to html and all that complicated stuff!
I found out how to do it from one of my favourite blogs, Outlandish Observations. The lady who writes it chnged her blog to three columns about a month ago, and I thought it looked much better. It is only now that I have been brave enough to do it myself! She found out how to do it from this site. It's not as hard as it seems.
I like the layout, because it spreads out all of my links and widgets – the only thing I’m not 100% happy with is that it looks a little cramped, but maybe that’s because I’m not used to it. The link from Outlandish Observations did explain how to make it a little larger, but it was quite complicated! Also, apparently, it wouldn’t look right on a screen that isn’t wide screen, so I’ll leave it for now and see how I get used to it. Comments and opinions would be appreciated!
Also, if you have seen the cool new country widgets on my left sidebar they are designed by Ness at Drover’s Run - another of my favourite blogs. They are free to download from her site, and it she doesn’t have your country there, I am sure she would make your own widget.
Spring is on its way
*The weather here in London has been very wet for weeks and weeks on end
and, with the windchill factor, very cold, although temperatures have been
6 days ago
Thanks so much for mentioning my site! I'm glad you're enjoying it.
I love the new look of your 3-column layout. But I can't take full credit for this. I got the idea from this site, which gives very clear step-by-step instructions on how to turn a standard Blogger 2-column template into a 3-column template.
I agree that it makes things much less cluttered. Good job, and I'm glad I was able to help.
Karen Henry (author of Outlandish Observations)
Hi, yup I should have mentioned that site - have changed the post now. Thanks for pointing it out!
It's taking some getting used to!
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