Well, that’s Christmas over for another year! I hope you all had a good one, and that Santa brought you everything you wanted! Thank you for all your Christmas wishes on both of my blogs.
We had a lovely Christmas. As I said before, it was just the four of us this year – me, Isla, my mum & dad. We were woken up at 7.20am with our first phone call – some friends in New Zealand!! I’ll be charitable and say they buggered up the 12hr time difference! Anyway, none of us actually got back to sleep after that, and we all got up at around half eight which is incredibly early for us on Christmas Day! We all piled onto my mum & dad’s bed so that Isla could open her stocking with all of us, and then had showers and then breakfast.
The present opening always takes a couple of hours!I think everyone got what they wanted. My mum and dad got me a multimedia hard drive. I’ve already got an external hard drive, but I panicked a few weeks ago when it stopped working because I have all my photography on it – luckily it turned out to just be the power cable at fault. So, now I have another one to back it all up on, AND I can put movies on it and plug it straight into the TV and watch! I have all of Dr Who on there at the moment, and Isla has been watching it all! So have I! I think David Tennant is fab as the Doctor and will be sorely missed.
Anyway, back to the point!
Our Christmas dinner went on all day, and we ended up incredibly stuffed! Watched the Doctor Who special and had a lovely evening by the fire! We woke up on Boxing Day to the best present we could have had…SNOW!
We have NEVER had a white Christmas since we have been in France – in fact, we’ve never had snow in December at all! Isla was thrilled, especially because we had friends coming round with their daughter, who is at school with Isla. They played outside for hours, and made a little snowman!
We're off to Bergerac tomorrow to collect my gran from the airport. She's here for New Year and is staying for about ten days.
I could be quite busy over the next week too, as I have a cooking job. So far it's only one night, but I haven't yet met the client and I suppose it all hangs on how impressed they are with the first meal! They want pan fried foie gras - not something I've ever done, but I've found a couple of recipes, and it doesn't look too dificult! I'm sure it will be ok, but I always get butterflies at the start of each job. I doubt myself and my abilities, even though I know I shouldn't! Anyway, if the foie gras recipe turns out well, I'll share it. I'm not sure how easy it'll be for some of you to get it, but never mind!
I may not have time to post again before New Year, so if I don't, have a good one!
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