Well, yesterday did turn out to be better than the day before. The headache still hadn’t completely gone away, but it didn’t come back with quite the same virulence as the day before.
My mum and dad came over to help me out with the water/electricity problem, but luckily I managed to get that sorted. They went off to the market while I sorted out stuff in the house and had a shower. When they came back we all went Christmas shopping. It was a case of having a trolley each, conspiring via text messages to each other, and hiding around aisles trying to stop the other person seeing the contents of the trolleys! It was fun!
So, I’ve got almost all my shopping done. All that’s left is a smallish Amazon order for the odd dvd and a Nintendo DS game!
By the time I went to bed last night, the headache had all but gone. I even managed to listen to my book for a while – the previous night I couldn’t face having any noise in my head!
Isla and I have had quite a quiet day today doing dull Mummy type things! Changing the bed, doing laundry etc! We did have fun making the dinner, which was breaded chicken breast with herby chips. I cut up the chicken and Isla did the egg and breadcrumbing. She loves helping out like that, and I really hope she’ll have a love of cooking as much as my mum and I do.
NB. Photograph not my own work.
Spring is on its way
*The weather here in London has been very wet for weeks and weeks on end
and, with the windchill factor, very cold, although temperatures have been
6 days ago
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