There's nothing better, on a cold and rainy day, than rounding up a lovely roast meal with a good, warming apple (or rhubarb mmm - god I miss rhubarb!) crumble is there? Served with ice cream, cream or custard it's just gorgeous! It's so homely and wintery! And it makes me feel all mumsy when I make it. Also, instead of the crystallised ginger etc mentioned in the recipe, I just put a little shake of ground ginger and ground cinnamon in the crumble mix.
See, I may just make domestic goddess one day!
Sorry but I don't know the measurements in kg - I must be the only person of my age to still use pounds and ounces, but that's how I learnt. It makes life dificult trying to buy new kitchen scales in France - and I really need some! The ones I have are crappy cheap scales, bought in Sainsburys ten or eleven years ago and aren't exactly what you would call reliable.
I suppose I'll just have to order some from Amazon. Thank god for Amazon!
Ooh, before I forget, we also had roast pork. If you live in France and like pork, go and buy some now because it is the time of year when it's really cheap. We bought a pack of six kilos today, which included a large roasting joint, about 12 good sized chops and some spare ribs for the grand price of €14, which isn't bad at all. Anyway, we had run out of Bisto - always a disaster - so I made Roquefort sauce instead which was gorgeous. For 5-6 people use one pack of roquefort (you can add more if you like it really strong), 600 ounces pouring cream and about 2 mins before serving a good dollop of crèmre fraiche to thicken it up. It was gorgeous!
Spring is on its way
*The weather here in London has been very wet for weeks and weeks on end
and, with the windchill factor, very cold, although temperatures have been
6 days ago
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