What is it about ageing that predisposes one to watch certain things on television? I know I have touched on this subject before, but it really baffles me!
My Grandma adores the soaps – not a crime in itself, and I have to admit a certain fondness for some of them, but it’s just that she takes them so seriously, and we are subjected to a running commentary on them all. Except for Eastenders, which she detests, and insists on talking all the way through it so we can’t even get the benefit of the storyline. BBC 3 has never been so handy!
One programme, which I think is still broadcast solely for the purpose of the elderly, is Songs Of Praise. I have nothing against religion particularly. Although I cannot for the life of me understand how anyone can have a blind faith in something, I don’t dispute their right to that blind faith. However, I don’t see how watching a programme of people singing hymns can be fun. But the elderly love it. Likewise the Antiques Roadshow – maybe it’s because they are actually younger than some of the items featured!
Old people also love cop shows, but don’t like them being too long! My gran complained when The Bill changed from its half hour slot to a whole hour. I think, that as you age, your attention span must get shorter, which is why things like soaps take on a greater significance, because they can actually hold the attention for that short period. My dad, who is also no spring chicken, has recently declared a great liking for Silent Witness, based on the experience of starting to watch one episode, and sleeping through most of it!
The other thing is the news. My Grandma needs to watch at least two bulletins a day. She hasn’t grasped the fact that when she asks if there is a News on, we can go straight to a news channel at any time of the day. I know she doesn’t have Sky at home, but we have had it for years, and she spends a great deal of time here. I think the technology is beyond her.At least BBC 24 means we don’t have to miss programmes we like watching – after all, the 10 O’Clock News on ITV is the same time as the Eastenders repeat on BBC3!
NB. Photographs Not My Own Work
Spring is on its way
*The weather here in London has been very wet for weeks and weeks on end
and, with the windchill factor, very cold, although temperatures have been
6 days ago
thanks for visiting my blog- glad you like it enough to be a follower.
Love yours- i too have relatives who won't watch The Bill because it is now to long.
and don't you just hate the way that these programmes now have an added title? 'Emmerdale-to shear or not, to shear' or 'The Bill- carnage clear up'....
Ho Hum.
SH xxx
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