29 September, 2008

An Open Letter to Tea and Coffee Drinkers.

What is it about tea drinkers that they seem congenitally disinclined to clear up after themselves?

Now, I hate tea. I also hate coffee (although I love the smell of a newly opened packet of fresh coffee). I don’t do hot drinks at all really, but that’s nothing to do with my intense dislike of tea drinkers. It’s not the drinkers themselves that I hate; it’s the way they never seem to be able to tidy up.

Imagine a kitchen work surface, all beautifully tidy and clean. Now imagine it after someone has made a cup of tea or coffee. There is sugar all over the counter, or coffee granules, and a teaspoon left on the counter. There are always one or two tea or coffee stains, and the worst thing is when the person leaves a used teabag there because they either can’t be arsed to throw it away, or they want to use it later! I mean, come on, tea is not so expensive that you have to re-use tea bags is it?

The worst culprits are those who drink “posh” teas, like Lapsang Souchong, or Darjeeling, all loosed leaves – they think that puts them a cut above the rest because they make tea in teapots with loose leaves. In reality, they are just as dirty as the PG Tips drinkers.

Oooh no, the very worst ones are the ones who make big pots of tea and have maybe one or two cups of it. Then they’ll come back to it later on, pour some cold tea into a mug and microwave it. Yuck! Disgusting. And even though they do that, they still manage to spill some on the work surface, thereby staining it!

As for the herbal tea drinkers – I won’t even go there, suffice to say they’re normally vegetarians, non-smokers and teetotallers too! Even if they drank normal tea or coffee it would be decaffeinated and really…what’s the point in that?!
Also, tea in particular stains mugs beyond all recognition. What can that be doing to your insides?

Tea drinkers also appear to be tight fisted in restaurants – not something I’ve ever come across, but evidently this is the case in the USA!

I know the tea industry, and likewise the coffee industry, gives a lot of jobs to a lot of people – especially in third world countries like Malawi, where tea is one of the biggest industries and employers. That’s fine and lovely, but why can’t someone start an evening class on how to become a decent tea-drinking member of society, by teaching them how to clean up?

So tea (and coffee) drinkers, please take note. When you make a cup of tea (or coffee) please make sure you leave the work surface tidy. Someone has to come along behind you to work there, so please, wipe up your spilt sugar / coffee / tea / milk and leave it as you found it.
Thank you in advance of your co-operation!
NB. Photographs Not My Own Work


Mary Poppins said...

Hmmmm, I'll have you know, I am of the posh tea fraternity (although technically fraternity is a misnomer, as I'm a girl), but anyway... I admit it - I love fresh, loose leaf tea made in a pot. BUT, I insist on wiping up after myself, AND I always use a teabag once and only once (if I have to use a teabag, that is). Good god, why be so stingy? This isn't the 1800's!

I also agree - tea stains, coffee stains, and dried teabags awaiting re-use are all utterly vile, abhorrent habits, as is microwaving tea or coffee - make a fresh one, please! I blame men ... they're so untidy anyway, it's probably them.

KatduGers said...

You're right - it is generally men, but I have come across many women who have the same bad habits!

I think the "leaving the tea around and microwaving it later" scenario is definitely one of the worst!

And I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on tidiness, as you are such a fandabydozy person!