28 June, 2009


or OverMichaeled? You decide.

It is a new term that I have coined. I think it'll take on myself, what do you reckon?

While I think it's sad that Michael Jackson has died, I have to admit that I am so incredibly sick of hearing his songs on the radio. I didn't like his music much before he died (except Black or White which had Slash on guitar so was acceptable!), so why am I going to suddenly change my mind just because he is dead? Harsh? Perhaps, but that's how I feel. A DJ this evening commented that it was a tragedy that he has died. No, it isn't. A tragedy is an aeroplane full of passengers disappearing into the Atlantic leaving no surviors and no clues as to what happened. His death is sad, a shame, but not a tragedy.

Do not make it into something it is not.


Ness @ Drovers Run said...

Hear hear.

Someone who tells it like it is.

Thank GOD.

One of our local radio DJ's was IN TEARS about it.

I say, Get a F*#KING Grip Man!

KatduGers said...

Tears? Bit over the top for someone he's never met don't you think?!

I just think people are going a bit nuts over it - poor old Farrah Fawcett, totally overshadowed!