So, having returned to France what are my job hunting plans from now on?
Well, I am going back to England on Wednesday and I have an interview on Thursday. I am leaving home at about 4.30am (again!) and driving up to Le Havre and catching the 17.15 ferry to Portsmouth.
I have enough money to last a little while, to keep us in food for a bit, and hopefully I will find a job. Having the car there will enable me to extend my job search, so keep your fingers crossed that the perfect job will throw itself in my direction!
Having spent three weeks in UK, it is clear to me that that is where I want to be, and not in France.
Watch this space!
Spring is on its way
*The weather here in London has been very wet for weeks and weeks on end
and, with the windchill factor, very cold, although temperatures have been
6 days ago
I think it's so exciting that you're able to just pack up and move to another country like that. I mean with the proximity of 'Europe' literally being on your doorstep. While the UK is an option (and well I suppose the rest of the EU is too) an option for us, with my husbands british passport etc, I feel more drawn to Ireland than Britain in general, but that's just me :)
Good luck, and I hope the job hunt comes to fruition!
Aww good luck with the job hunting babe XX
Hopefully will see you soon. Dear old dumfy is crying out for us girls to be out on the town!!! lol
Hi, hopefully (fingers crossed) I'll be able to make it up for my birthday at the beginning of June!
Just now catching up, so probably too late to cross fingers for you? Will anyway, just in case. Good luck with the hunt and with the relocation plans. x
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