Well, I've moved! I am now no longer staying with my mate, not because we fell out or anything, but because there was accommodation available at my place of work! I have a large room with a bed and a couch and an en-suite shower room, and it's a bit like being a student again! It's only a short term solution, as I can't live here with Isla, so I still need to get myself on a housing list of some description. It's great though - instead of having to drive all of ten minutes home after work, I can actually have a drink and just go upstairs! I'm really quite pleased with it.
I moved in yesterday - I had Monday afternoon and all day Tuesday off to get myself sorted out. I was moved in by midday yesterday, and after that I didn't have a clue what to do with myself! For the last six weeks there has always been something to do - whether it be job interviews or job searching on the internet - I haven't had time to just sit and relax. And I have to say I found it very difficult. I sat and watched a couple of episodes of Sex & The City, had a shower, and then went downstairs to have a drink and a cigarette. Then, to my relief, my mate phoned me and suggested the pub quiz at her local! So, off I went back to her house, and we went to the quiz, which, naturally, we won again!! And there were only two of us! So, we got a £15 voucher which we will spend on dinner next time we go! Happy Days!
Apart from that, the job is going well - I was saying today that it doesn't feel as though I've only been here a week - it feels like I've always been here. Like I said before, they're a really nice bunch of people and it feels like they've made it easy for me to slot in.
The only dark spot on the horizon is how the hell do I fit the job in around Isla when I've got her here? I'll cross that bridge when I come to it...a house comes before I even start worrying about that.
I'm going to Portsmouth next week because it'smy birthday. Loyal readersmay remember that it's also Isla's birthday, and she so happens to be in Portsmouth with my mum visiting Grandma, so we'll get to spend our birthday together after all. I can't wait!
Spring is on its way
*The weather here in London has been very wet for weeks and weeks on end
and, with the windchill factor, very cold, although temperatures have been
6 days ago
Ooooooooooooooooooh....am soooo excited that you are working back here! OMG! I can visit you! Again! Yay!
Seriously, though... have you grasped the extent to which I am excited? I think it might amount to 'quite a lot'...
Plus, when I am qualified and grown up and ready to be a real teacher I can come and live nearby and be your babysitter (again). Although babysitting for IM is probably not technically 'baby'sitting, anymore...
Sooooo glad you're seeing her for birthday. Give her hugs - will post pressie to France for IM, and where to for you?
When the hell did you become MaryPoppins?? Just don't start jumping through pavements singing sickly songs or I may have to kill you!!
You can post my pressie(s) to here please - address is on Facebook.
Merci beaucoup, muchas gracias and grazie mille!
Hi Kat, congratulations on the new job. I hope you get something sorted out for Isla. There WILL be a way. Where is your job. We move back to the UK hopefully in August. Can't wait. VLiF
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