Witterings and recipes of a part time SAHM, part time supermarket auditor, and full time dieter. I have 7 stone to lose, with the help of Slimming World, so will be posting tasty healthy recipes.
Really delicious, fresh lemony cheesecake - obviously recipe can be modified to whatever flavour you fancy. Last year, for Burns Night, I did a Drambuie Cheesecake (be generous with the alcohol!), tops with raspberries and grated chocolate - delicious!
Spring is on its way
*The weather here in London has been very wet for weeks and weeks on end
and, with the windchill factor, very cold, although temperatures have been
100 Scots words from OUTLANDER
[image: standing stones]
I just stumbled across this, and thought I'd pass it on:
*100 Scots Words from OUTLANDER* (with a *Foreword* by Diana Gabaldon!)...
The Sunset
Nothing is easy now. Dressing. Toileting. Moving. Moving is especially
hard. She leans backwards. She wobbles as she walks, knees bent, feet
tangling with ...
17 in 2017
So, another calendar year as begun and the fresh, crisp start to it quickly
slipped away leaving me wondering where I could start again here. After
Peter and Jane Go On An Aeroplane.
Today, Peter and Jane are going on holiday to Abroad, with Mummy and Daddy.
Mummy has spent the last week cleaning the house, washing all the holiday
Wow! Where have I been?
Yesterday I was suddenly taken back to the blogging world by a link to an
old friend's blog. I was told she had just lost her husband and I wanted to
try a...
Two Years!
Blogspot won't allow me to post my video which is probably the internet's
subtle way of saying, "Nobody besides your parents wants to watch a ten
My name is Catherine Sanderson. Petite Anglaise was my online pseudonym
from 2004 until 2009. For the first two years, I blogged anonymously about
my life ...
Subterranean Termite Treatment Options
This is one of the most effective termite control boca raton techniques you
can to eradicate your termite problems. This service contains liquid
What I did on my holidays - Part 3
OOPS! I just discovered this post languishing in the 'drafts' folder. It
should have been posted last year!!
Welcome back to Part 3 of the holiday snaps. A...
Return to England
Before returning to more civilised waters , I converted my ill-gotten gains
to Krugerrands for safe passage.
In England, I became almost infamous for my aft...
New book of ghost photographs by Gordon Rutter
Ghosts Caught on Film 3 is an all-new compendium of extraordinary phenomena
caught on film. Featuring a selection of contemporary ghost pictures from
Picture this?....
I'm kind of back. And kind of not. Recently it has struck me that I want to
write again. But maybe in a different way. So I thought about just closing
Directions to New Blog
As part of the new website thingy, my blog has become an integral part of
said site. To read and post comments to the new blog (it's got all the ...
What, you may well ask, was I doing at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon,
drinking beer with a half naked French farmer and his toothless wife?
It wasn't some ...
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