I had my pre-op appointment at the hospital yesterday. Apparently I'm fit and healthy enough to go ahead with the op, and it will happen mid-September but they can't be more specific than that just now because the bloody surgeon is on holiday. Ah well, I guess I'll find out soon enough.
After the hospital, which took all morning, I went up to Edinburgh Airport to collect Isla, my nephews and their mum. I had to take them into town to Waverley Station, which was immense fun at rush hour!! Trying to find my way around the new one way system in Edinburgh (due to the bloody tram works) with three bickering children in the back was less than fun!
After we dropped them off, Isla and I went to the cinema, just the two of us. We went to see The Smurfs, which was pants! Don't bother with it - it's one of those family friendly typically american supposedly heartwarming saccharine sweet movies! We had fajitas afterwards and then came home! It's nice to have Isla home - I miss her when she's not here! It's too quiet without her and I miss her huggles!
I felt a bit crap this morning after the doctor poking my stomach about yesterday, but I got up to go to work as normal. When I got there, the team leader asked to have a word and it turned out that they had had word from head office last night that the work was running out and they had to lose some staff, one of which was me. Today. As I was feeling 100% I didn't take the news very well and couldn't stop the tears, although I did try. I did feel a bit sorry for them though, as this one sprung on them last night, and it wasn't fair on them to have to give people the boot today with no notice. They did say I could go home and they would still pay me for today, so I did. Why stay after being treated so shoddily? The problem was that I was the first one they told, so when I went back to my desk to collect my things, everyone was asking me what was happening and I couldn't tell them because it was going to happen to some of them too but I didn't know who. They asked if I'd been transferred to another team and all I could say was "in a manner of speaking"!! I did tell them to facebook me to tell me what else happened today.
We always knew that the job was only going to last until the end of August, mid September at the lastest, so we were expecting that, but we weren't expecting at any point to come in to work and be told that was it on the same day. It's a crappy way to treat people.
I left the building and had a cigarette before I did anything else! I wasn't feeling at my calmest! I phoned Frazer and told him through sniffles, and he told me to come and get him fro, work and we went to a local pub for breakfast - sometimes there is nothing like a roll and sausage to make you feel better! We sat and had a chat, and I felt a little better. Got a big hug too, which was the main thing I needed!
I phoned the agency when I got home, and there is the possibility of another job in the centre of Edinburgh in a few weeks, but there's no start date yet, so I'm not counting on that. I have also applied for ten jobs today, which I think is a good start. I hope something comes up soon. I've got road tax to buy at the end of the month!
So, watch this space. The dole won't give me a penny because Frazer has a job, which I think is crappy considering all the lowlifes who live completely on benefits, but hey ho, such is life. No point moaning about something that's not likely to change any time soon!
I do have a couple of recipes for you that I will upload over the next couple of days. They're not diet ones, as they were tried before the diet started, but they are yummy!
So until then guys...happy jobhunting!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Spring is on its way
*The weather here in London has been very wet for weeks and weeks on end
and, with the windchill factor, very cold, although temperatures have been
6 days ago
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