I'm very bored, so this is the best I can come up with at the moment I'm afraid!
1. How old do you look? Younger than my age apparently!
2. Where do you live? Just outside Cheltenham for now.
3. Are you waiting for something? I'm always waiting for something - I don't know what, but I will know it when it happens.
4. What’s one pet peeve of yours that is not common? Messy tea and coffee drinkers.
5. Do you want/have kids? I have one beautiful daughter but I would love to have more children.
6. Have you ever thought about converting your religion? I'm nominally a Catholic but consider myself a heathen so ummmm, no!
7. Last shocking news you heard? Michael Jackson's death - but am so sick of hearing his songs on the radio!
8. What was the last thing you drank? A can of Diet Coke - quelle surprise!9. Who do you most look like in your family? My mum!
10. If you could have something right now, anything, what would it be? Someone to snuggle up to and watch rubbish on the TV with.
11. Where does most of your family live? In France.
12. Where did you grow up? In Malawi until I was 9 and then SW Scotland.
13. Where do you want to go on vacation? Scotland - and I'm going in about two weeks.
14. Have you ever had a panic attack? Have had an asthma attack, but I don't think I've had a panic attack.
15. What can’t you wait for? My holidays in Scotland.
16. When’s the last time you told someone you loved him or her and meant it? Yesterday when I spoke to Isla.
17. Have your parents ever smoked pot? No, don't be silly!
18. Want someone back in your life? No, but I'd like a new someone in my life.
19. What do you order at the bar? Smirnoff Ice.
20. When was the last time you cried really, really hard? When I watched Marley and Me - I was inconsolable!
21. Ever licked someone’s cheek? Ummmm, no?!
22. What is your favorite thing to eat with peanut butter? Nothing - I can't abide peanut butter - I'm a Marmite girl.
23. Where were you on July 4th, 2008? I was dogsitting at the house of the shagging love birds.
24. What are your nicknames? Mummy - that's about it really.
25. If you could go back in time, how far back would you go? Oooh, maybe the sixties because I'd have been a great hippy.
One Life
*I mentioned in my last post that we had recently watched the DVD of One
Life. My hearing is not so great to watch films in a cinema so I always
prefer t...
2 days ago
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